Friday, July 3, 2009

Time to catch up!! - MY ART

Hello there again!!
So I've since moved to Denver and become a professional photographer. At least that's what I've been telling myself, now having a full-time photography job, as well as continuing to build up my free-lance's been good to me!

So, I have a LOT of catching up to do - two completed weddings and a few more on the way.
I also have a lot of stuff that never got posted. Get ready, 'cause there are a lot of photos on the way!

Bruised apple on window sill
(Manlius, NY)

Building crossing with lights
(the highlands, Denver CO)

Green plants
(Roxbourgh State Park, CO)

Field of Greens
(Roxbourgh State Park, CO)

Blowing Leaves in the Breeze,
(Roxbourgh State Park, CO)

Hibiscus Popper
(Denver Botanical Gardens)

Orange African Sunset
(Roxbourgh State Park

Leafy reflections during my morning reflection
(Manlius, NY)

Tea in harsh shadows
(Manlius, NY)

Clouds in my tea
(Manlius, NY)

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About Me

My photo
Denver, CO, United States
Jennifer is an ex-Navy pilot turned photographer. She currently resides in Denver, CO.