Thursday, August 25, 2011

Emmy's getting ready BW slideshow

So just a bit of a montage of Emmy getting ready. . .

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Susan's niece Katie is going off to college, and wanted some pictures of her horses to take with her. I hope these make her feel at home while she's off filling up with knowledge and Ramen noodles! :)

I love me some farmers market!

I took some pictures of my purchases from the farmers market because they were just
SOOOO pretty! I love taking pictures of my food :)

This isn't just the prettiest salad in the world, but it was also the tastiest.

Like Janet Jackson once said "Gimme a beet!"

It looks like it's about 5 years old.

Garlic: to keep the vampires and readers of vampire novels away

Camping and Hiking - Aug 2011

I love camping in Colorado!



About Me

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Denver, CO, United States
Jennifer is an ex-Navy pilot turned photographer. She currently resides in Denver, CO.